Returns & Refund Policy

All items sold at NisceSkinUsa go through our quality control procedures. We inspect every item before it is shipped, and all goods are shipped fully insured in case of loss or damage.

However, there are times when items are damaged, defective, or incorrectly shipped. If this is the case for you, we will gladly replace them. If you have a need to return goods to us for whatever reason please email outlining the reason for return and request your Returns Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number within 7 days of order receipt, and return your unwanted items within 14 days of receiving your RMA number for an exchange for the same item in a different size or any product that we carry. (Based on stock availability).

We recommend that you insure the return shipment as you are under a duty to take reasonable care of the goods and will be liable for damage to them until we receive them at our operations center. In case of dispute, we also recommend you retain proof of sending.

If the items shipped are defective or different from the ones you ordered, we will be shouldering the cost of all shipping fees incurred. If you refuse the order or you want to change it due to preference, you will be charged for all shipping, delivery and storage incurred. All returned merchandise must be unopened and in original condition.

All merchandise must be returned in the condition they were received and in original packaging.

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